Zodiac Discussion Forum

Trusted Member
Joined: June 8, 2013 11:39 pm
Topics: 4 / Replies: 49
Re: Why Mt. Diablo?

There’s even a chance that more than one person out there in the world has an old QSL card from Zodiac. I’ll admit that I view many of the models and …

11 years ago
Re: Map of Kane’s stomping grounds

I’ve always been interested in Rio Vista. I spent a lot of time there as a kid, fishing as well as working part time. Also, our next door neighbor bac…

11 years ago
Re: Map of Kane’s stomping grounds

Interesting that the lines from SF to Tahoe pass very, very close to Rio Vista.

11 years ago
Re: Why Mt. Diablo?

The club still exists. You could ask them if they have membership records for that time period. I am almost certain they do. http://www.mdarc.or…

11 years ago
Re: Pictures of Zodiac Locations

Arthur Leigh Allen’s former home on 32 Fresno St. Vallejo. This is where Sandy an myself freaked out. A car came down the street, made a U turn righ…

11 years ago
Re: Recipes & Pictures Connected to Zodiac, Or Not

32 Fresno Street, Vallejo, a few years ago. One of my bad snapshots:

11 years ago
Re: Recipes & Pictures Connected to Zodiac, Or Not

I took the picture at Preston School of Industry AKA "Preston Castle" in Ione. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preston_School_of_Industry

11 years ago
Re: Crop Circles

The latest case: http://edition.cnn.com/2014/01/06/tech/california-crop-circle-hoax/index.html?hpt=hp_c5

11 years ago
Re: Pictures Possibly But Not Probably Connected to Zodiac

Zebra has posted many pictures in the past, mostly at our old forum. He is an excellent photographer and quite a few of us enjoy his pictures. Perha…

11 years ago
Re: Pictures Possibly But Not Probably Connected to Zodiac

Here is a place possibly connected to Zodiac’s youth:

11 years ago
Re: Pictures Possibly But Not Probably Connected to Zodiac

I believe one could substitute the commonly encountered Northern California species of the family Corvidae for the gulls. I hate to see gulls targeted…

11 years ago
Re: Pictures Possibly But Not Probably Connected to Zodiac

Sometimes, by examining the source of confusion, we find a more clear understanding of previously elusive facts and ideas. Yeah, I know that sounds li…

11 years ago
Re: Crop Circles

A decade or so ago, near Dixon or Davis (my memory is fuzzy and my Googles are tired), some high schoolers made crop circles in their parents’ corn fi…

11 years ago
Re: Pictures Possibly But Not Probably Connected to Zodiac

I’m not certain. Probably none. Maybe the big wooden Z’s, because my own admittedly poor excuse for a POI used to frequent this area back in the 60’s …

11 years ago
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