Zodiac Discussion Forum

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Joined: July 4, 2015 6:53 am
Topics: 3 / Replies: 112
Re: Ross Sullivan Dissenters thread

By the way, you didn’t answer my question. Looking at the pictures of Ross, would you describe his lips as "thin?" How thin do you need th…

9 years ago
Re: Ross Sullivan Dissenters thread

I stand corrected. It would be completely impossible for a human to grow out his hair and apply grease to it. The girls who helped to produce this sk…

9 years ago
Re: Ross Sullivan Dissenters thread

thread prediction: "he wore disguises" in 3,2,1….. Which is funny, because that notion can be used to disqualify him, too. If Z did, in f…

9 years ago
Re: Ross Sullivan Dissenters thread

Size 7 gloves Size 10.5 shoe size. Now gentleman unless Ross hand really small feet and hands for his size then he is not Zodiac. Lets say Ross was j…

9 years ago
Re: Three Things You Believe About The Zodiac

it it wasn’t the real zodiac then it was an homage to his/her hero. remaining anonymous but making sure the murder(s) were attributed to him. But tha…

9 years ago
Re: Three Things You Believe About The Zodiac

tahoe and doctor – good points by both of you. complete conjecture based on nothing more than guesswork – like the manson murders someone was inspired…

9 years ago
Re: Three Things You Believe About The Zodiac

If it were a copycat, why did he take all the extra steps afterwards? To make people think it was Zodiac. If he was caught, for example, and they th…

9 years ago
Re: Three Things You Believe About The Zodiac

why the change? he was worried about impostors, he wanted to make sure his correspondence made it to the intended recipients. he took his time at lb s…

9 years ago
Re: Ross Sullivan Dissenters thread

ONE stamp would not have been sufficient postage when it came to the Bates letters. The sender had to put two. Sure he did. That’s very dismis…

9 years ago
Re: Benicia High School note

Ah, here’s the note! (Rotated – trav) It’s a few further pages in the book on 197. Here’s a link on google books:

9 years ago
Re: Benicia High School note

The OP at the source doranchak listed states that the O’s have crosses through them, as to be the zodiac symbol. Unless he’s seen the letter itself, h…

9 years ago
Re: Ross Sullivan Dissenters thread

It would be more probable that the Riverside writer and the Zodiac writings were completely unrelated than Zodiac copying Riverside evidence in the ve…

9 years ago
Re: Ross Sullivan Dissenters thread

Do you leave open the possibility that Z was simply the Author of said writings? I don’t speak for Tahoe, but I certainly leave open the possibility,…

9 years ago
Re: Ross Sullivan Dissenters thread

According to the site, "twitch" is the 15,284th most frequently used word, and count is only 1,305 for every 1 billion words. "Twitchi…

9 years ago
Re: Ross Sullivan Dissenters thread

As I stated, I do put a lot of faith in Morrill as the trained, respected Expert,and the FBI backing his findings up. You call them experts. I say t…

9 years ago
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