Zodiac Discussion Forum

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Joined: July 4, 2015 6:53 am
Topics: 3 / Replies: 112
Re: Ross Sullivan Dissenters thread

Anyone can google "eye witness accounts" and see they are hardly reliable. Great, so what evidence would you like to use then? When certain…

9 years ago
Re: Rick Marshall

Maybe i did not ask the question the right way . Why is rick marshall dismissed by so many on the forums as being a strong zodiac suspect. his writing…

9 years ago
Re: Rick Marshall

I know that LE spoke with Marshall on his death bed . But what has truly cleared him as a suspect ? Has anyone really said he was cleared of being zod…

9 years ago
Re: Ross Sullivan Dissenters thread

Idoctor: Thanks for your kind offer of assistance. I contacted Riverside City College, asking if a particular individual attended RCC in the Fall of 1…

9 years ago
Re: Ross Sullivan

It’s not 100% certain though. We need to confirm his brother’s belief. He only said he "believed" he was at Agnews. I took that to mean, …

9 years ago
Re: Ross Sullivan Dissenters thread

So I decided to keep this thread up for anti-Ross people that wanted to Post here, but I gotta admit, it seems like a head scratcher as to why people …

9 years ago
Re: Ross Sullivan Dissenters thread

This happens with almost everyone who believes their guy is Zodiac. That defensive tone. You think Ross was Zodiac, Paul. Fine. Some of us simply …

9 years ago
Re: Ross Sullivan Dissenters thread

Thing is…there is always an out with almost any evidence if one wants to go that route. Saliva…someone else licked the stamps, institutionalized….

9 years ago
Re: Ross Sullivan

What was the Bay Area address Ross moved to? 1250 Hope Dr, Santa Clara, CA Wait, that’s big news if you have a document or something to source that …

9 years ago
Re: Ross Sullivan Dissenters thread

I have been reading the arguments for the last several days, after leaving the Ross threads for about 1-1/2 years. I am not sure about what we are arg…

9 years ago
Re: Ross Sullivan Dissenters thread

Paul: My POI lived in Riverside and was a senior at Ramona High when Bates was a freshman. After graduation he joined the Navy (footprints at Bates cr…

9 years ago
Re: Ross Sullivan Dissenters thread

From the other thread How many people from Riverside were schizophrenic? How many of the current Zodiac suspects were schizophrenic? Only one I know…

9 years ago
Re: Ross Sullivan Dissenters thread

From the other thread How many people from Riverside were schizophrenic? How many of the current Zodiac suspects were schizophrenic? Only one I know…

9 years ago
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