Bottom line is, we can go round and round about Ross’s weight,but that’s not the most important thing here. It’ s whether he was in Vallejo area durin…
Ross’ weight could have had a yo yo effect from medications. Isn’t it significantly more probably though that he stayed around that size? What evide…
You also have to wonder about the wording of the phone booth attack article. Was the victim estimating that the assailant was 300 pounds? Or was the…
Not so much explained away, more like these issues are not deal breakers by any stretch. Napa evidence suggest the perp was over 200 pounds, and Ros…
Personally, I believe it’s most likely that due to staying in institutions, RS became sedentary, which is how he gained so much weight near the end. A…
My question is, at what point do is the point of falsifiability, where we go "alright now this proves Ross was too big/too incarcerated"?
Ross was in the 1968 Santa Cruz City Directory which says he was working at the university and living in an apartment building. Also in 1968 he was a…
There is also the matter of his 1977 death certificate stating that he had been living in Santa Cruz County for 3 years. This leaves a gap from 1968 …
Very very interesting information! I know what I’m dedicating my day towards tomorrow…
Ross died on September 29, 1977, not in 1974. And he lived at an apartment complex at 2177 17th Avenue in Santa Cruz, which is not an institution. The…
Hi 1doctor…I am generally with you when it comes to Ross Hey there bud, long time no see! but as you can see via this link (in a post by morf)
I’ve been away awhile, but my thoughts regarding this case (and Sullivan as a POI) have never left. I still have issues concerning Ross being a subj…
Morf: psychics broadcast their successes, but are mum about their failures. I think some are straight up frauds I’d be willing to say 100% of them a…
I thought this forum was more scientific and investigative. Why is it that we are even giving "psychics" the time of day here? As an inves…