Last seen: January 2, 2023 10:04 pm
To Update — I’m not certain if this has been covered, but I thought it was interesting so I’ll post it. Google LENSING the Avery Halloween Card…
Hi Morf, please take a look at this photo of a letter sent from the UK. I used Google LENS on the Bates letter, and it pinged on a murder letter tha…
To Update this — I found another writing using Google LENS on the first letter the Zodiac sent out, and in the results was an unknown letter written …
Two years after the murder he came back and wrote this message on a barn. NY-Card-Match.png
And here is a visual image matched with the NY Albany letter of a handwritten note by a killer who left notes and taunted Police. He was convicted o…
And here is the second letter with the link to the Texas U website. Just wanted to share these just in case they could lead to anything with Z. …
Hi Morf, ok thanks. Here is another letter I found regarding a rejected newspaper ad from the University of Texas Library Records that the TitWi…
Hi J Gold, interesting take on this code, please message me when you see this post so we can chat further about it. I received the email you sent but …
Caen SF Paper Column Link. Caen-Pines-Card-Link.png
Here is an article, written by Herb Caen in 1995 that eerily directly matches with the Zodiac Pines Card sent connecting Lake Tahoe. Writing th…
An Estate Lot that showcases a gift book Herb Caen gave to a friend called True Tiny Tales of Terror with a letter attached. Caen-Terr…
Another example of Caen using Z lingo, including misspelling Daughter — at an intersection, I can only guess a bus stop. It’s just overlap, but…
Here’s a side by side with no glasses, almost identical to Herb Caen’s face. Never mind everything else, why does Herb Caen seem to match exactl…