Last seen: January 2, 2023 10:04 pm
Caen’s and Z’s handwriting aren’t identical, but Caen did use underlines and used the + between words A LOT. His exclamation marks are similar to Z’s….
The SFPD Police sketch is similar to Caen’s facial features, including brown/red hair. The height and width of the bridge of the nose to the mouth a…
Interesting you can find many examples of Herb Caen writing in blue ink, using a pen. This postage is similar to the BELI Letter. An EBAY Herb Caen…
Hmm, yea there is a guy that lived in SF named Strange De Jim. He loved sending in short letters to Herb Caen to form their ongoing newspaper relation…
Herb Caen grew up visiting the LAKE TAHOE area. He knew the area well. Interesting? Caen-Lake-Tahoe.png
Picture of Herb Caen with Glasses and Wrist Watch. Caen-Glasses.jpg
The Colored SFPD sketch is similar to Herb Caen middle AGED. (Attached). Interesting how he typed with his LOYAL ROYAL and always wore WRIST WATCH,…
Cite your sources on that claim? How do you know that for a fact? It’s almost comical how insecure you are about me posting a long shot theory, …
Yes, but all of the GOOD suspect’s DNA has been compared with no matching results? Are you that stupid? There are links to Herb Caen, but with your…
Good suspects, pretty sure none of the “good” suspects are really that GOOD at all. Hence the case is still being open and investigated. ” The…
@tomvoigt Yea, and For ALL WE KNOW it was HERB CAEN? Nice Logic pal, please get out of my thread, no one invited you here. You look dumb. …
Yea, why not? Please let me know when you solve the case, Tom. Otherwise, be open to it. Thanks.
Caen’s Typewriter. Loyal_royal.jpg
Herb Caen loved Attending SF Opera. A lot of the odd words Zodiac used you can find in Herb Caen’s Newspaper columns by using “Search” “Find”. &nbs…