Last seen: September 24, 2021 11:56 pm
Here is the second pic we have from that file. Couldn’t seem to add to my previous post.
Here’s another one that I am glad to see still exists. This photo has been featured in a number of newspapers that reported on the Lake Herman attack….
Nice find jacob. I was just watching a video on YouTube about GSK/EAR/ONS in which investigator Paul Holes was mentioning that when they arrested JJ…
Does anyone know which company produced the class ring’s for Vallejo Senior High during this time period?
Polk directories are a great source of local information. Love them! One of the things I personally like about them is that they reference th…
You’re welcome Traveller1st. I agree with you . I’m not sure what it is about seeing original news articles or newsreel footage, but I get a bit of a …
Thank you for the additional information in the reply Seagull.