Zodiac Discussion Forum

Reputable Member
Joined: September 9, 2019 5:13 am
Topics: 2 / Replies: 126
Re: The Zodiac & The Riddler

I really really have to wonder why no one else will tell this story??? come on, there are people out here who know it, much better than I do. You let…

5 years ago
Re: The Zodiac & The Riddler

I have definitely got to get this article of Cragle’s over here, I am seeing stuff in it and OH BOY. I never really paid attention to things told to…

5 years ago
Re: The Zodiac & The Riddler

until I can get the article(that Cragle posted) over here… it mentions the murder Lake Berryessa Park Incident the date is September 27th… so l…

5 years ago
Re: The Zodiac & The Riddler

I was trying to get CRAGLES news article over here so I can tie this in, but I can’t get it on here boo hmm I’ll figure it out. can sommeone else ge…

5 years ago
Re: 18 front page newspaper articles from 1969 zodiac killer

I am curious to see if the articles are CODING BACK to The Zodiac. That LA TIMES one posted by CRAGLE surely is. 1000000000% it is.

5 years ago
Re: 18 front page newspaper articles from 1969 zodiac killer

It’s in the Napa Valley register the story about this just now but I can’t transfer and I don’t know how to do that. do you have a link, post it, and…

5 years ago
Re: Harvey Colliver 1969-74

I think the emergency was that his mother was unwell, Dot and tipsy were his dogs. I think Dot was shot by nancy but i don’t recall where i got that …

5 years ago
Re: The Zodiac & The Riddler

Okay, I just not stumbled onto the thread by CRAGLE Pacific Stars and Stripes Newspaper 18/1/1970 and I posted over there too. This is the SAME RI…

5 years ago
Re: Pacific Stars and Stripes Newspaper 18/1/1970

okay they are replying back to The Zodiac in these papers on these dates let me get the dates if we can get these papers we can read what they repli…

5 years ago
Re: Pacific Stars and Stripes Newspaper 18/1/1970

I really do have reservations about doing what I just did. but Time Has Come Today let’s talk

5 years ago
Re: Pacific Stars and Stripes Newspaper 18/1/1970

now look at this… this is why they pick the Pacific Stars and Stripes Newspaper to communicate back to the communicator of the Z correspondence. th…

5 years ago
Re: Pacific Stars and Stripes Newspaper 18/1/1970

The News article is REPLYING to The Zodiac. It is coded as well, so they were communicating back. I’ll go through later and explain what I am seein…

5 years ago
Re: Harvey Colliver 1969-74

What is the emergency at the ranch. who was even living there? if anyone. or who was there "not" living?

5 years ago
Re: Harvey Colliver 1969-74

I wonder who "Dot" is and who shot her? One of my questions also. she is shot, he gives her a permanent. Permanent what? let’s hope he i…

5 years ago
Re: Harvey Colliver 1969-74

Just as a note, and means nothing, but I noticed it… All of that is written on a Stenographers tablet. Not that people don’t have them around, but…

5 years ago
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