I need to get off of here. I do not want to derail this thread
there is a LOT more to this picture than what is inside the frame. so many times a large picture is cut down to fit the frame one has, rather than lo…
I think the authorities know a ton more than they say they do. they have to. and it is my guess they have a ton of communications and getting more a…
so if we look at Harvey in the context of The Zodiac complexity we (or at least I do) see that in many ways he is much like what people call the pers…
Someone nutty as a fruitcake would not have a clear head either, to do what they did and, NOT GET CAUGHT. Sure they could, they do it all the time….
it is always good when everyone has different opinions, this way we really don’t miss anything. not all people react in the same ways in different ci…
hmmm, this is interesting, I’ll have to take a better look at this. I’m still trying to organize all this stuff as we have missing pieces and parts …
oh and I don’t know if you saw it on your other thread or not where you were posting something, I asked about seals and the Golden Gate. I hope you s…
I also believe there is a FROG MAN involved in this mess because that keeps coming up inn different communications as well. These are other communic…
Few things I noticed here. Why is everyone saying is should say HEED instead of HEAD Suggestion…We should NEVER "EDIT" these or correct …
perhaps holmes is not so far off in thinking maybe SOMEONE twisted these cases around to look like they are something else so they can CHATTER about o…
I said USD not LSD I didn’t come up with it i was asking amazingates what the hell she was talking about in one of her riddles. I only "riddle&…
and don’t forget all the other factions out there at the time… the panthers, all the mc groups, the old mexican mafia, AIM, the AB, and all the war …
Sit back and think about this whole mess. It reeks of LSD and tripping people doing these things. Slaves in paradise, villains in hooded costumes, vic…
These people could have been getting shaken down because of drug dealing. They didn’t pay and they got hurt really bad. That is very common. The two v…