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Joined: May 9, 2018 2:03 pm
Re: Statement Analysis Exposes the Zodiac
Deceptive people usually lie via omission and misrepresentation (they want you to make certain assumptions as it is very, very rare for people to tell…
6 years ago
Re: Statement Analysis Exposes the Zodiac
Fascinating paper, thanks for putting it up. Thank you for your kind words
6 years ago
Re: Statement Analysis Exposes the Zodiac
TheMist You allege that the analysis contains assumptions. I think I have found one (several actually) in your response, too: "The whole analysi…
6 years ago
Re: Statement Analysis Exposes the Zodiac
Nice work. Is it clear under this method that there was an erroneous Stine dispatch? Thank you, Xcaliber. I would need more information in order to …
6 years ago
Re: Statement Analysis Exposes the Zodiac
CuriousCat I would respectfully recommend that educate yourself before 1) passing judgment 2) spreading misleading/incomplete information. Let me h…
6 years ago
6 years ago
Replies: 20
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