Zodiac Discussion Forum

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Joined: May 6, 2018 10:02 pm
Topics: 2 / Replies: 53
Re: A little bit different solution to z340

They speak for themselves. Just wanted some feedback. I have a hunch (nothing more) that this solution is both wildly wrong, but also much closer to …

7 years ago
Re: Why line 11 of 340 is important

Line 10 suggests "zodiac loves …" Or perhaps, "Love, Zodiac".

7 years ago
Re: Why line 11 of 340 is important

I’ve always thought the last line seemed to suggest "Signed" from the middle zodiac symbol backwards to the left, and then "Zodiac&quot…

7 years ago
Re: This man thinks the 340 is a fake cipher

Transposition of the plaintext would make the cipher look fake in such a test. Agreed. Do you think it is also plausible to simply hand tweak a ci…

7 years ago
Re: This man thinks the 340 is a fake cipher

Period 2 bigrams are also missing. A 340 character 408 has 38 period 2 bigrams, though these are less likely to occur. Period 2 bigrams are 2 position…

7 years ago
Re: Strongest known algorithm for Z408

What I like about the pareto optimality approach is that it helps get around the problem of knowing how important the tradeoffs are between different …

7 years ago
Re: This man thinks the 340 is a fake cipher

Transposition of the plaintext would make the cipher look fake in such a test. Agreed. Do you think it is also plausible to simply hand tweak a ci…

7 years ago
Re: Strongest known algorithm for Z408

Your objective function uses 5-grams only? Any particular reasoning for that? Did you experiment with other n-grams, and find that empirically best?…

7 years ago
Re: Some thoughts on 340

True. But we have to be careful about "back fitting" the observation to Zodiac materials. I agree. At this point it is a pretty thin thre…

7 years ago
Re: Strongest known algorithm for Z408

Thanks, Jarlve. I like the idea about not changing all the occurrences of symbols involved with the word placements. Have you ever looked at multiobje…

7 years ago
Re: Some thoughts on 340

Putting it another way: The chance of "BY" appearing 4 times is low. The chance of "OF" appearing 4 times is probably also low. …

7 years ago
Re: This man thinks the 340 is a fake cipher

Here is his evidence: -glurk Somewhat demotivating. But there may be one particular weakness to what he is doing here. He says "I have enc…

7 years ago
Re: Strongest known algorithm for Z408

I did not see any source code for AZdecrypt, nor an algorithm description. Here is a basic run down. Load some 5-gram letter log frequencies into a …

7 years ago
Re: Strongest known algorithm for Z408

Jarlve, do you know why simulated annealing works better with smaller changes? I also noticed that trying to do too much at each step seems to lead t…

7 years ago
Re: Some thoughts on 340

4. Let’s face it: The 340 is extremely hard to crack. Either someone lands a ‘lucky strike’ (by guessing and using Oranchak’s webtoy or any other tool…

7 years ago
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