We have explored this hypothesis to some extent. Cool. Doubted it was that easy. Do AZDecrypt or zkdecrypto have the ability to score by both row…
Thanks so much for that rundown!
zkdecrypto-lite looks great. Thanks for the tip.
Thanks. I looked at both of these codes. I did not see any source code for AZdecrypt, nor an algorithm description. zkdecrypto has source, but it s…
My solver uses the following library: [ The advantage of such a solver is that you can use it programmatically instead of using a gui. This gives you …
I also find the idea the cipher key was created on the fly interesting, but I got fixated on it a little bit with regards to the "<zodiac sign…
Let me add a little more substance about why I think ‘+’ is likely to not be a typical encipherment character, but rather functions as an obfuscating …