Zodiac Discussion Forum

Trusted Member
Joined: May 13, 2016 4:59 am
Topics: 3 / Replies: 51
Re: Calling all cryptanalysts – Help! Where do I even start?

My Facebook group has a significant list of resources for learning cryptanalysis and cryptography. Regards Bart

8 years ago
Re: New research paper

Thanks for posting David.

8 years ago
Re: Z340 Kasiski Examination

Hi Jarlve, Thanks for the link. I am not familiar with this material so i will have a read. I am trying to get my head around your other posts as well…

8 years ago
Re: Not all homophonic substitutions can be auto-solved

Hi David. Not really but checker boards have a broad interpretation and there are many that could be classed as sush. The work i was looking at was un…

8 years ago
Re: Not all homophonic substitutions can be auto-solved

I have been experimenting lately with checker board cipher where for ease of explanation a x y grid gives a plain text symbol whos location is defined…

8 years ago
Re: Z340 Kasiski Examination

I post this here for completeness. I recently came across some loose observations that vaguely implied a right to left, top down writing of the plaint…

8 years ago
Re: Homophonic substitution

Thanks for posting those resources – they are very useful. AMSCO cipher looks interesting especially with regard to odd phobia. I only have done a sm…

8 years ago
Re: Homophonic substitution

In extension to the cipher library from bion that David posted (looks like you had a great trip BTW) here is a list and statistical metrics for most A…

8 years ago
Re: Homophonic substitution

I have a new shuffle spreadsheet, where I can select or exclude any of the positions for regional shuffle tests. Looks like you are doing some awesom…

8 years ago
Re: What Cipher Programs to use?

Hi. Need help with the basics. Not sure how and what cipher programs to use to run a pattern. The pattern should be ran left to right, up and down and…

8 years ago
Re: Homophonic substitution

I am working on the grille cipher I have thought about the grille also but i can’t think of a proper way to implement it. I am glad you are take it o…

8 years ago
Re: Hypothesis Testing: Overview and Tools

I know there is a half baked thread on morse code (each to their own) on here but has anyone done a proper frantionaled morse research on z340? I am c…

8 years ago
Re: Homophonic substitution

BartW I have never been able to emulate the same results from a scytale crypto tool as I have from manually constructing and deconstructing back to a …

8 years ago
Re: Hypothesis Testing: Overview and Tools

The cipher order syctake/HSC wouldnt have much effect except reordering the HSC cycle symbols. The scytale should be able to be modeled by the period/…

8 years ago
Re: A possible explanation for missing C and Q letters in ke

I think you are correct in that Z generated the key code before encoding the cipher. it is interesting that the key space for Z340 63 (9×7) and Z408 5…

8 years ago
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