Zodiac Discussion Forum

Eminent Member
Joined: December 4, 2018 3:13 pm
Topics: 6 / Replies: 28
Re: discussion of solved z340 context and clues

Here are my thought on why I think Zodiac’s 340 text probably is a "Red Herring": August 8th, 1969: On the night of August 8–9, 1969 four…

4 years ago
Re: My name is Drea Ledo

Using the 340 key on the Z13 could also produce: Dr. ELAIOLADO Which is Greek for "Olive Oil". Does "Dr. Olive Oil" mean anythi…

4 years ago
Re: Let’s Crack Zodiac – Episode 1 – Graysmith

Great video Dave! I knew the gist of the Graysmith story but enjoyed learning the details of the timeline of how his solve came to exist. I knew it w…

4 years ago
Re: Project Zenith 2.0.0

Very impressive! I’ve gotten it to run locally. Initial impressions: – I like the interface a lot – Realtime transformation interface looks especial…

5 years ago
Re: Nick Pelling’s Challenge Cipher #1 [SOLVED]

You guys are doing some really amazing work jarlve and beijinghouse! If possible could you please share the high-level details of how the entropy-bas…

5 years ago
Re: Nick Pelling’s Challenge Cipher #1 [SOLVED]

I don’t believe Nick’s second challenge cipher is vulnerable to simply throwing it in AZdecrypt and blindly running an 8-gram model against it. It is …

5 years ago
Re: z340 as a null cipher

Very intriguing work _pi Sentence 1 and 2 are very compelling, both for their clarity and their self-referential nature to the cipher! I also like th…

5 years ago
Re: AZdecrypt 1.16

Awesome work! I really need to upgrade my machines to have more RAM. Just to clarify, my new v4 8-gram file only needs 14.35GB of memory to load. …

5 years ago
Re: Help proofreading 55 cipher solutions?

What kind of incorrect letters do you mean? Misspellings? Or mismatches between the derived key and the actual key? Thanks for the word breakdowns….

5 years ago
Re: AZdecrypt WinGUI

While it’s certainly not necessary to understand how the new 8-gram solver works to use it, he’s a few details on how I designed it. Hopefully this pa…

5 years ago
Re: AZdecrypt WinGUI

Great work Jarlve! Thanks for incorporating the speedups I found into the main code so quickly. Excited to see what everyone here can do with the ne…

6 years ago
Re: Z340: Solution Candidate

This board has lots of great ideas, but I agree it can feel pretty abrasive too — especially when sharing new ideas. I feel belittled and attacked by…

6 years ago
Re: Ngram benchmarks

There is no special tuning to any known cipher plaintexts. There’s only an implicit tuning to the 408 because I augment the ngrams with all of Zodiac’…

6 years ago
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