Zodiac Discussion Forum

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Joined: August 9, 2016 12:15 am
Last seen: November 16, 2022 6:23 pm
Topics: 10 / Replies: 84
Replies: 12
Views: 6939
Re: 1974 Letters sent from San Rafael

i do not have any real evidence to add. But Rick Marshall would be my first choice to interview of all suspects. He just always pops back up.

7 years ago
Re: Zodiac DNA being worked on by SFPD & VALLEJO PD

from what I know, the DNA testing being done behind the scenes is not specific to any suspect. (Although,efforts still under way to clear suspects usi…

7 years ago
Re: Manalli — a working theory

This guy looks better and better every day as Z to me.

7 years ago
8 years ago
Re: Zodiac did speak to Donald Fouke

It was zodiac. What was he supposed to do run and start a chase ? Get into a shoot out with 2 armed police officers with the sound of of other polic…

8 years ago
Re: Zodiac Logic and Reason

Here’s my approach: First, include/eliminate Cheri Bates’ killer as Zodiac. Is there a suspect who: 1. Is a male Caucasian with brown hair? 2. …

8 years ago
Re: Anybody Watching The DB Cooper Thing on History CH ?

Yea if you put a gun to my head and said chose, I would go with McCoy myself although his alibi seems kinda solid. He did the exact crime and did succ…

8 years ago
Re: Zodiac did speak to Donald Fouke

Not a question about it. Fouke spoke to Zodiac. My time line is Fouke and Zelms are heading to the crime scene looking for a black male . They see a …

8 years ago
Re: Why Stop With Stine?

Yeah but he was killer first poor letter writer second. More murders would have made him more famous and infamous something happened.

8 years ago
Re: Why Stop With Stine?

I believe the key to solving this case is the answer to why zodiac stopped after stines murder. I know man believe the key is Riverside but I think …

8 years ago
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