So, um… OJ did it? The question is, newspapers articles. Do you have any on Sadie’s confession. The public thinks the Zodiac had ties to Manson! …
I’m only 4 teen yrs. old with beautiful handwriting and have good command of the English language, and had the balls to tell Jack Ruby he had done …
What I can do is take a week off from posting and let you have the platform! I’ll just peek in from time to time to see if the Zodiac has been discov…
If you don’t mind me asking! What does that mean after Hi, in your footnote? It means that english is not my first languish and that is why my spe…
Norse, Is this the blueprint you want to see! Is this the blueprint for our children! Was the confessions letter the story, and PH was the acting …
I have seen Reefer Madness, BB. And I have a transcript of the opening blurb (or rather, what I assume you’re talking about) in front of me as we spea…
Hey, BB – seeing as you’re in straight answer mode, I’ll try another question: Could you point me to the exact words in the Reefer Madness blurb you …
Welcome to the forum bats. The introduction purpose is a courtesy thing for all members. Nothing to do with pleasing anyone. It gives members an opp…
What’s an "essay photo"? essay photo, (or photographic essay) is a set or series of photographs that are intended to tell a story. A photo e…
If you don’t mind me asking! What does that mean after Hi, in your footnote? Spit it out? Which taste better in tea, salt or sugar? Relax, there…
Here I am! Sorry to keep you waiting. I was researching. In the mid 60’s I remember many riots/upheavals going on in the northern part of the US. …
Would you like a map to the pines? The Zodiac pine card will lead you to (now we know)? Your guide the Zodiac led you astray that day? Blind Bats, …
As pointed out by glurk, Patricia was tracked down and turned out to be a "pretty vocal" student who was in the habit of writing letters to …
You have to know the Zodiac to know how he wrote? I never met Agatha Christie, but I do know she followed Poe and Doyle! How do I know this? Her w…