Nothing but Government murderers running and using this site. Bait and trap you.
Jarlve I am not much of a researcher, if I am not mistaken I thought Berryessa was were the ‘suspect’ said he was from ‘Deer Lodge Montana’ or headi…
And it does not say “Deer Lodge.” It doe read ‘from’ Colorado and ‘to Mexico.’
Even More to think about. I tried to post a link but had to paste this instead. Some of this does sound scary. Not only can a criminal be found but vi…
Hi Jarlve Are you going to test this technique on the other 340 KEY that was mailed in? The key from the thread You recently posted on?
Amen to this. Words can not describe how excited I am for the victims. Absolutely elated. And for law enforcement too. And to add that this goes to …
Hi again. Richard…..one question…You used the letter that “up2something” presented as the original letter, to complete your rendition of the lett…
Thank You Richard!! Much appreciated. It is difficult to keep all these Confession Letters straight. Thank goodness you labeled yours or someday it wo…
Hi Richard just took the time to write an article about the confusion here.
Looks really great Jalve!! Great work! I wish that I had the knowledge and ability to use these great programs you all develop.
I do not think it is an impossible concept. Just check out all the pretty images one may see right here on this sight. There are in over abundance of …
Nice photos!! Great old car too! (Just like your name QT….you are a cutie too!!) Oops is that inappropriate?
Morf….Great job!! Good to see you. This one sure does seem like it could be solved. So many people involved and so mary years to gather information…
Does anyone know or remember what the source is of the skeleton on the left side? Where it came from? It is not the one on the Halloween card. It is …
traveller1st, Subject: Gender Issues? Tue Aug 21, 2012 9:07 pm I can’t be certain about this due to the different style but I was staring at the sk…