Zodiac Discussion Forum

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Joined: May 29, 2017 9:52 pm
Topics: 0 / Replies: 62
Re: Richard Gaikowksi on codes

Complete amateur hour experiment anyway. Should have played Nancy half a dozen voices and told her to pick one. Wasted opportunity. Cheers! edit – M…

6 years ago
Re: Period 19, Fibonacci, Game Theory, Nash Equilibrium

Yeah okay fair enough Ted just struck me as one of those genius types who wouldn’t like to look dumb. Maybe I am inserting my own thought process …

7 years ago
Re: Period 19, Fibonacci, Game Theory, Nash Equilibrium

Right but the one that was solved has some really bad mistakes in it, even missing half a sentence if I remember correctly. Plus plenty of spelling mi…

7 years ago
Re: Period 19, Fibonacci, Game Theory, Nash Equilibrium

Zodiacs code work was far too sloppy to be Ted IMO. Some interesting comparisons and similarities though.

7 years ago
Re: A little bit different solution to z340

I mean no, I really don’t think that is anything close to the intended solution. But I guess it is possible that the cipher is more of a hidden word /…

7 years ago
Re: Some thoughts on Z340 (dual-alphabet?)

I long thought that the strange symbol he does in the Halloween card could be two keys, they kind of look like keys of two different types to me. Ther…

7 years ago
Re: Gaikowski was such a nice guy

How many times was it written in newspapers (plus other local magazines etc) in those couple of years?

7 years ago
Re: Unusual Vernacular – Pine Splinters

I think he just watched a lot of movies and was maybe also well read. Both of which he took inspiration from for his Zodiac character.

7 years ago
Re: BTK as Zodiac

Yes the Zodiac killings through to the known BTK killings certainly show a progression which isn’t unfamiliar with serial killers. In fact it is commo…

7 years ago
Re: BTK as Zodiac

Could be, maybe. I don’t believe for a second that the Otero family was BTK’s first major crime.

7 years ago
Re: Gaikowski was such a nice guy

My ‘game’ was to point out that your significance of the connection of phrasing used by (probably) 2 different people is flawed. That’s it. What if s…

7 years ago
Re: Gaikowski was such a nice guy

So you have no evidence then. This is pointless without anything of substance. I’m out.

7 years ago
Re: Gaikowski was such a nice guy

If you are have some real evidence that Gaik is Zodiac, then cool. Let’s take a look. It certainly isn’t on your website. Don’t call me a troll becau…

7 years ago
Re: Gaikowski was such a nice guy

Why does it matter if it was common or not in newspapers. Zodiac was just some dude who sent letters to the cops / papers. The fact that some hippie j…

7 years ago
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