Last seen: September 7, 2022 10:02 pm
As a side note: I wrote a post regarding the exorcist letter symbols. I don’t recall the title. I outlined what I thought each symbol represented. On…
Interesting, caller actually refers to PO Boxes. If this could be verified it would be quite significant. Yeah, I was just reading about USPS "…
In case it’s of any help, here’s another clipping from the 1963 Examiner describing the ZIP system. 94104 is listed as "Rincon North." …
The only way to know for certain is to get a postal zone map for SF in 1970. Unfortunately as of yet I have been unable to locate one. Here is one fr…
Here is an S.F. Examiner article from a few days earlier with the same date format and font. Could be the source of "Some of them fought" an…
Ah, I just realized that that video is from the TV show Omnibus, and not from the 1939 movie.
Regarding Los Angeles and other southern points – why drive all the way to north to deliver the letters? Even if you were going to drive to SF from LA…
I’ve been following all of this with much excitement! I think we shouldn’t rule out the possibility that San Francisco wasn’t Zodiac’s home or destina…
How/where does one go to check on a voter’s address? I do it through my Ancestry subscription, which I also use for actual ancestry stuff. It indexes…
I’m happy to report that further investigation suggests Ms. Gonzales went on to live another 35 years.
My apologies if this has been discussed before, but I find the handwriting on the top of page 8 to be somewhat Z-esque. It’s clearly not Darlene’s, an…