Congratulations. And here I always figured it was just gibberish to give the cops some busy work. Shows what i know.
Truck in the picture above is a ’53 Ford…. I may or may not own one.
A related idea is the "rule of thumb" you should apply when reading news headlines that end in a question mark. In most situations, the re…
PRT…Personal Rapid Transit There’s one at WVU, not sure what it could possibly have to do with the zodiac case though.
If I only have 5 seconds to decide I’m taking the closest one to me.
After quick scan with google street view, the house in picture looks like 141 Scott St.
I don’t know much about that case, but Patsy Ramsey graduated from the same high school and college I did. She’s about 15 years older than me, so I n…
Lindsey said that KQ was the closest to the man he had seen that night of any person he had ever been shown. Which picture?
Bummer. I was hoping that since they remembered when he started growing long hair that they might also have remembered him having a crew cut.
Do they remember if he had a crew cut in ’69?
You ever have deja-vu? I did when i went to the link you posted. It looks kind of like the second post on this page….. http://zodiackillersi…
There is a time discrepancy with respect to the white Chevy. Hunters said they saw white Chevy (and Bingo) at 9:00 Crow was supposedly there between…