Last seen: April 7, 2023 7:40 pm
Some schoolkid writing as if they were talking like some cartoon character voiced by Mel Blanc…
Boowish=Boorish wetched=Wretched Dingow Dowphs=?
Unless the wife of Karl Gyllström has stated that Karl Gyllström thought police were going to charge him with the crime, and her also, then there’s no…
Hmmmm. Albany N.Y., despite being on the Hudson River, actually is a seaport. THAT I find interesting. Unfortunately, I notice that most interpretati…
FinnishThinker Is the actual ‘suicide note’ of Karl Gyllström viewable in its entirety? If so, is the wording of his note ambiguous or unclear in its …
Mr lowe said; "yes cc that faint bleed through any one discuss it before.. surely the police would know what it is or says. just curious" Cu…
Richard Grinell said "Black dots-water tanks". Perhaps this is generally true of other maps. On this specific Phillips 66 map, however, I s…
Rancho Monticello seems to have had a memorable impact on Californians back in the time of Z. You can get an idea of its resort style size and spread …
T27 said back in 2014, "The date doesn’t appear to be 1974, but "1970". While the last digit is difficult to read, I would say it is cl…
Jacob asked; "Why say "my boyfriend" in reference to your husband? Makes no sense." Perhaps seen against the background of some u…
I regret that I have to be the one to pour cold water on this endeavour regarding the ‘Dorabella Cipher’, but if you view this webpage;
TV is aware (PM) of the question post. He didn’t reply to the post. Don’t know why. Maybe he’s checking his records. FYI , if the source of TV’s infor…
(As noted by T27 earlier in the topic you are now reading;)
viewtopic.php?f=81&t=1035&hilit=drownding#p9749 Maybe not so archaic for someone raised in the midwest or (upper) southern Texas. ‘drownding’…