Last seen: April 7, 2023 7:40 pm
Seems to me that you’re somehow come to a particular interpretationof what you think the FBI officialese language used could mean. The way I read th…
Richard Grinell said; "The version you see is a suspect replicating the handwriting, like Arthur Leigh Allen was asked to write Zodiac material.&…
Ok, I understand now that’s how you see it. That fingerprint dust is like photocopier toner, so unless it started to spit rain out there, there’s anot…
BDHOLLAND said; …"they had already done the fingerprint dusting. You can see the gravitational dripping around the car door handle for example….
"Why do you think that could be a Zodiac murder?" viewtopic.php?f=37&t=3177&p=71492#p71492 Close facial match to suspect described (…
doranchak said, "Hidden clues: Are they real or fake?" Regarding Pivot 1 (which has no decoded spelling errors): With ciphertext decoded in…
Indubitably already pointed out that doranchak posted about this; viewtopic.php?f=94&t=3996&hilit=examiner&start=20#p64902 I can understa…
morf13 said; …"Also, it was postmarked from Alameda County. Assuming for a second that the person that mailed it in CA did NOT know Mary Pilker…
Chaucer said; "The question I have is how did “people from Missouri”[plural] become “female driver” [singular]?" That police report quote; …
"*How could ‘Gian Quasar’ possibly know where the vineyards were back in 1970? Areas get developed." ‘Gian Quasar’ didn’t cite any sources…
"she knew him, went to school with him," etc… Or he was acquainted with her father and said he knew him, or he just looked like a trustwor…