Last seen: April 7, 2023 7:40 pm
"Sixty percent of all Valentines are exchanged in classrooms", – From an interview with Gibson Employees, in ‘Cincinnati Magazine’ Feb 1993….
I agree with doranchak – probably photoshopped. My reason – I think it likely that the original card had a spider depicted sitting in the corner of th…
Already Chaucer’s story has been the catalyst for interesting new possibilities of thought… ; viewtopic.php?f=69&t=1353&p=76887#p76887
EDIT Chaucer, you’ll notice that the 1965, 1966, 1967 Galaxies had vertically stacked double headlights, the years before and after this had horizonta…
…a "grey or tin colored, two-door Ford Galaxy". Minor point, the correct designation would be ‘Galaxie’ ; Concievably, an early 60’s Im…
TomVoigt said; "That was propaganda given to me by Bud Kelly." What you place or allow to remain on your website is your business, Tom. Th…
viewtopic.php?f=72&t=4515#p74203 Cragle said; "I am currently trying to deduce which one, if any, of the 6 the pasted piece comes from."…
Tom Voigt said above; "There is no evidence, or reason to believe, she was in the library after 6:15 PM." From Tom Voigt’s webpage; Tom Vo…
Fisherman’sFriend, forum search is also your friend. viewtopic.php?f=94&t=1193#p11686 S.F. Chronicle article , Fri, Oct 17, 1969 by Keith Power. …
A colour version of that photograph is viewable here;
In the film Zodiac (2007) the gloves are shown as found on the back seat. Sandy, are we sure if the gloves were found on the floorboard or the back se…
No need for regrets rjsisco, and thankyou for spending your coin on a Zodiac matter. So in the absence of anything else, I’m thinking the picture of t…