Last seen: April 7, 2023 7:40 pm
You are correct that there was a ‘lot number’ for the ammunition, but it wasn’t mentioned as being on the (fired) shell casings – it was marked on the…
TommyT said; "Still very curious as to what possible physical evidence they might have that leads them to truly believe that D/E is a Z crime.&qu…
Murders, Zodiac confirmed or conjectured, whereat there are items probably not tested for, that could still have recoverable murderers DNA on them. D…
Richard Grinell said; "Fouke clearly stated in the 1989 documentary ""We proceeded on Jackson Street towards Arguello continuing our s…
Pelissetti received the incident call at 09:55PM, if I am understanding his Police Incident Report correctly. Fouke said in the 2007 documentary that …
"The answer is in the 1989 ‘Crimes of the Century’ documentary"… Is that online anywhere?
Thankyou for enunciating it plainly, CuriousCat. CuriousCat said; …"assuming both Pelissetti and Fouke got the radio call at the same time and …
Here’s the autopsy report, Cragle. You tell us.
Xcaliber asks; "Your scenario is possible – not sure there would have been enough time for the guy to get to the corner and turn north onto Maple…
The simplest explanation is as mentioned here; that Roland Lin Taft carved ‘R.H.’ into the desk, as a sardonic dig at ‘R.H. Bradshaw’, the President…
CuriousCat said; "Fouke said he turned to go up the steps there but Fouke did not see him enter the residence, so it was possibly an attempt at a…
Chaucer asked; "…telephone operator"…"I believe her name was Ms. Johnson."…"her supervisor (Betty Main" …"W…
Richard Grinell said; How long do you think it took for the payphone at Springs Road and Tuolumne Street to be rung back"… (Note; I’m aware of…
masootz asked; "are the current solvers (azdecrypt etc) efficient in the case where zodiac may have intermingled some symbol pairs mapped to a le…