Zodiac Discussion Forum

Trusted Member
Joined: December 1, 2013 10:45 am
Topics: 2 / Replies: 54
Re: Profiling of the Zodiac Killer

Moving forward in the investigation, we must now focus on suspects who have demonstrated that they are true power-assertive personalities in their eve…

11 years ago
Re: Profiling of the Zodiac Killer

Obsession with blue, 4 marriages, making his wife live in a separate residence, Pythians, uncle writing books about murder, birth sign? You may believ…

11 years ago
Re: Profiling of the Zodiac Killer

Re: Profiling of the Zodiac Killer Unread postby regret ยป Tue Feb 04, 2014 8:10 pm I think it’s very likely that even if he didn’t quite blend in the…

11 years ago
Re: Profiling of the Zodiac Killer

Well this is refreshing, I would say you are in the 95% accuracy range on your ZK profile. I can agree with 95+ percent of your profile, very nice sum…

11 years ago
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