I created such a cipher though the ioc does not match so well: For this cipher there appears to be a right-shifted peak at L14=24 so that is a good si…
Also. I appreciate this might be just down to the high number of + symbols, but obviously 8 of the 12 short varying lengths begin with a + symbol. A…
Here is similar to what you ask. Thanks. Turns out it isn’t as interesting visually as it is numerically. So we’ve broadly got structures like this….
I separated the genuine lengths into groups, short varying, flat L17-19, and long varying. Nice. Great visualisation again, and a good choice of wher…
We were able to make the distinctive 26 L=17 shape with a palindromic cycle A B C D C B A B C D C B A. Yes, but did you also see the high number of tr…
I am interested in L17-L19 and above mostly since they are primarily responsible for 26 L=17, and any possible relationship or pattern concerning thes…
Here follows a cipher with 63 symbols, no repeat window 12 and raw ioc target 2236. It can be seen that this hypothesis creates very high spikes at hi…
just my 2 cents. All good points. Obviously the only way to know what was done for sure, is to find a reasonable solution and plaintext. Until then,…
Highlighted z340 17L, 18L and 19L genuine start points. Looks a bit diagaonally to me (def: "diagonally" /dʌɪˈaɡ(ə)n(ə)li/, adjective….
[…] the 408, it looks very different. Not a cluster of genuine lengths all together like L17, L18 and L19 in the 340. I think that’s very telling. …
Here’s my post from 2014 with the original observation: viewtopic.php?f=81&t=2114 Ah ha. There’s my heat map you copied from me minus 5 years ag…
That’s a great visualisation. One might even argue that 17,18 and 19 as a set are the key observations, rather than 17 alone. Perhaps 18 is the inte…
You are welcome. Here’s some rows/column. I hope the convention is to start from one not zero. I’ve also highlighted the genuine start of unique st…
Thank you. I’m not sure anything screams out of course. (If I’ve got this right…) here is a heat map of the unique string lengths from their posit…
Oh man, there’s a lot of back reading to consume. Whilst I’m reading that (forgive me if this is already covered…) Keep in mind that the unique str…