Zodiac Discussion Forum

Cold Facts
Active Member
Joined: April 20, 2021 1:10 am
Topics: 0 / Replies: 11
Re: Thomas Horan

“It is equally plausible that he thought his prospects of getting a full-time, permanent position at Harvard were not great and that is why he moved.”…

3 years ago
Re: Thomas Horan

To be clear, I don’t question anything you’ve told me about how defamation cases are handled in the real world. Everything you’ve said sounds correct,…

3 years ago
Re: Thomas Horan

“These statements evidence some of the most striking ignorance of the legal profession that I have ever seen.” Really? If you’re a practicing lawyer,…

3 years ago
Re: Thomas Horan

“But you’re ignoring what O’Hare said in his article. He consulted an attorney who told him that litigation would cost far more than it’s worth. That’…

3 years ago
Re: Thomas Horan

Cold Facts: “Yes. He was accused of being the Zodiac in a public place and he then fled that place rather than defend himself. He has not only failed…

3 years ago
Re: Thomas Horan

Horan is an effing A-hole and Tom Voigt is GREAT!

3 years ago
Re: Thomas Horan

“O’Hare doesn’t have to explain anything. He doesn’t have to testify. The state has to prove he left the prints in commission of a crime.” Oh really?…

3 years ago
Re: Thomas Horan

“Cold Facts, regarding the fingerprints, if O’Hare’s prints matched the latents on the cab, all that would prove is that O’Hare touched the cab at som…

3 years ago
Re: Thomas Horan

“My larger point is that no one can adduce one shred of evidence to tie any alleged Zodiac suspect to a crime scene . . . Think about that. The best c…

3 years ago
Re: Thomas Horan

Correct me if I’m wrong. Hasn’t O’Hare been listed as a Zodiac suspect going back to the very first message boards on the Internet? Here’s an exampl…

3 years ago
Re: Thomas Horan

At least Horan is not accusing otherwise upstanding citizens of multiple murders. But wouldn’t that apply to pretty much every serial killer in histo…

3 years ago