Zodiac Discussion Forum

Eminent Member
Joined: November 29, 2019 1:47 am
Topics: 0 / Replies: 40
Re: ALA touching Cheney’s daughter and his believability

I believe it was ALA’S brother and sister in law who raised the possibility that Cheney had this as a possible motive for his story. Apparently, Chen…

4 years ago
Re: Stine Eyewitnesses

I would imagine the cops at some point would have gone door to door and interviewed people who lived in the area, to see if they had seen or heard any…

4 years ago
Re: How reliable is the hard evidence?

Not very I think when you consider someone like ALA was still very much suspected of being the best suspect despite them failing to match the handwrit…

4 years ago
Re: Zodiac Gave His Identity In The Halloween Card

Picking random letters to get a name you want, is not a proper solution. The process has to make sense. Not be a pick and mix.

4 years ago
Re: Stay tuned

This more cipher related than DNA I take it?

4 years ago
Re: DNA – question

Not really. Sites like Gedmatch etc are predominantly Used by Americans. So for the most part their database is useful for finding Americans. Gedmat…

4 years ago
Re: Zodiac DNA being worked on by SFPD & VALLEJO PD

Keep dangling the carrots! This delay is so very unfair to all those who have had fingers pointed at them as well as their friends and family! The v…

4 years ago
Re: 1946 phantom" killer (The Texarkana "Moonlight" Murders)

Did you know the FBI released the files this year?

5 years ago
Re: Confession Letter vs. Bates Had to Die Letters

Anybody know offhand if it was truly determined that a Royal typewriter was used for the Confession letter, or is this a Graysmithism? I skimmed the F…

5 years ago
Re: Planned or impulsive?

Here’s the problems I have with the theory: This plan offers multiple chances for eyewitnesses to observe Zodiac Zodiac clearly didn’t care if he lef…

5 years ago
Re: Zodiac DNA Uploaded to GEDmatch

Given what Tom learned in the mid-2000’s I think it is a bit late to simply try to deny its existence. The horse has left that barn. I dunno if I bu…

5 years ago
Re: California Department of Justice

IMO this assignment is nothing more than a "golden handshake" for these about-to-be retirees. They are probably being handsomely paid, bidi…

5 years ago
Re: Why is the case still open?

They Closed it years ago, but there was a public outcry about it. So they promptly reopened it. I think technically it’s still open, but there aren’t …

5 years ago
Re: More than one of Zodiac’s prints on the cab?

Does the print in the cab match prints found at other murder sites or phone booths? I guess if its just one finger print it might not as the same fing…

5 years ago
Re: which letters were printed in newspapers at the time?

Thanks. Have to wonder why they allowed the actual handwriting to be published. It gave hoaxers something to work with. But perhaps they thought someo…

5 years ago
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