Zodiac Discussion Forum

Estimable Member
Joined: July 3, 2015 4:04 am
Topics: 6 / Replies: 173
Re: I know what he (maybe) did with the 340!

So yes, move 2 to the right and up one for the next numbers in sequence. I might be mistaken, but there is an easier way to read this matrix. As disp…

9 years ago
Re: Homophonic substitution

If the 340 remains uncracked at some point I’d like to consider brute forcing all 17! permutations. But we’ll need to come up with a way to crack 11.2…

9 years ago
Re: Homophonic substitution

And here is "killing people." Interestingly, the tail end of "people" forms one of the 2 large pivots in Z340. With "niople…

9 years ago
Re: Homophonic substitution

You must have a ridiculously huge dictionary. Based on the word counts (I’m assuming that’s the number in front of the word), it’s pretty small actua…

9 years ago
Re: My work

Have you noted an improvement with your interpolation method? I have not experienced a problem with going from 5 to 6-grams, but perhaps it could work…

9 years ago
Re: My work

Do you think that using 6-grams will be of benefit? I’m not saying they won’t but there is a point of diminishing returns somewhere. I have not done…

9 years ago
Re: Homophonic substitution

I tried daikon’s symbol expansion idea on suspected wildcard symbols "+", "F" and "B" and came up with something that ju…

9 years ago
Re: Homophonic substitution

Thanks for doing all of this work daikon. I understand that you are expanding the suspected wildcards to multiple symbols, correct? Yep. After you …

9 years ago
Re: Homophonic substitution

Not sure if this has been performed yet.. Can you take out the top two, three or four top symbol counts and replace them with a space. Making sure the…

9 years ago
Re: Homophonic substitution

Tried to post earlier, but my internet is super flaky today, so I couldn’t until now. I’ve now tested the following sets of wildcards: {‘+’,’B’,’p’} …

9 years ago
Re: Homophonic substitution

Nothing to report regarding wildcard solves in Z340. I’ll let it run overnight, just to be sure, and then move on to the next set of possible wildcard…

9 years ago
Re: Homophonic substitution

Forgot to mention that this method also worked for the earlier "purple haze" cipher, when I "expanded" the top 3 out of 4 wildcard…

9 years ago
Re: Homophonic substitution

‘q’ only occurs twice Symbol 5 for me is the Symbol at Column 1, Row 1. I guess it looks more like a backwards P. There is a double "qq" on …

9 years ago
Re: Homophonic substitution

Try +, W and B. See what happens. I am thinking that because of bigram repeat stats, it is likely either + and W or + and B. Likely not all three. O…

9 years ago
Re: Homophonic substitution

Will masking the most common digraphs, like TH, rather than some of the less common digraphs, make a message more difficult for ZKD to solve? Can you …

9 years ago
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