The word search idea is very interesting. We know of at least one other letter-writing, authority-taunting serial killer who made a word search: Ye…
– Some of the medium-high count symbols do not seem to cycle well, are these possibly wildcards/polyalphabetic or 1:1 substitutes? (smokie treats) B…
Another thing that makes the first and last columns special is the possible "fold line" appearing on row 10 as hyphens in those columns. I …
We have at least two simple ways to make more ngrams appear: 1) flip the 340 horizontally; You mean mirror it? Hmm, interesting. I did the same to…
Hmm, something else I just noticed that might fit the theory of odd symbols being nulls. Looking at Z13 cipher: If we split it into odds and even…
Some time ago I noted that one cipher in my collection came close to the 340 (via a measurement which may not relate as much to your observation).tony…
Could lines 1,3,5,7,9etc be one code and 2,4,6,8 etc be another. Which would really mix it up. That’s a good idea. I just tried splitting Z340 into…
That’s it for now. The other entries in my "log of unexplained oddities" are too insignificant/inconclusive to mention (i.e. can easily be a…
Another observation I came across when doing various tests on Z340 has to do with a spike in the bigram IoC at the period of 19 (or step, or distance)…
What about checking portions of the 340, saw five rows (or more) at a time, starting at the top. Find the total cycle score with whatever formula, and…
That’s is very interesting. I will add that to my list of things to explore! In case you need a simple explanation of how to transpose the 2nd half…
I’m going to focus on the interesting observations during my talk in October. Let me know what you’d want to see in the list! There will be a room f…
I used to call it bigrams at a distance but daikon has been using the term period. It’s the distance between the first and the last symbol of the bigr…
What do you mean by this? How do you increase the period to 3? It’s a standard test for bifid. Here’s a pretty good explanation (in the first part a…