You’re welcome, Zam. It’s too bad we can’t use the IP addresses to determine who Oscar really was, but they do give us another example of Oscar’s seem…
Mid-November, 1968 — Albany letter from Gaikowski mentioning first snowfall there. Jan. 25 to 31st, 1969 — Gaikowski in Ireland covering sectarian…
Richard stated in a letter that he spent a week in Northern Ireland in January (1969). His February 1, 1969 article in the Knickerbocker News referenc…
Speculation that Tamerlan Tsarnaev may have been involved in a 2011 triple murder. Interesting that he didn’t attend his friend’s funeral, and I read …
Helicopter with a spotlight now searching the area. Yep, crazy stuff.
From what I heard on the newsfeed, a guy coming home from work (wearing a backpack) was briefly detained by the police and then let go. Possibly him.
Reporter just said they’re still actively searching for someone.
Here’s a live news link…
Wow. Any more updates, AK?
That’s a pretty clear pic of him. Thanks for the updates, AK. Wonder if our resident photo-experts can do any additional enhancements on the pic.
Great work, Trav. It’s nice to have everything in one particular location for reference purposes.
Very nice work, Trav. I think there’s a good chance that the Lake B. weapon was also a Browning Hi-Power since it resembles a .45.