Last seen: December 28, 2021 12:13 am
Just come down the apples and pears and would you adam and eve it! A fellow brit on the zodiackillersite! I had to tell the old trouble and strife! Wo…
A handwriting sample would be interesting, if one could be found. Do we know whether he’s still alive?
Well, you’ve got my attention! Welcome, Mr boodles
For what it’s worth, I have always walked with a shuffling, bent over gait and my head down. People have taken the piss out of me all my life over it….
I hadn’t heard of albertson before. What’s to know about him?
Definitely team zodiac. Tahoe in a post elsewhere identified them as John Cleese and the Monty Python guys!
I’m assuming they edited out the part where sal and tatman show the theatre guy a picture of Ross and Kane to see if one of them looked like the weird…
The link doesn’t work for us poor buggers in the UK, unfortunately. I’ve gotta wait until the 22nd to watch it. Bastards!!!!!!
there was that thing about the phrase "fiddling and farting"being a texan expression.not sure about dad was an English man raised in…
I agree about the letters.I lean towards the lusk letter being genuine because not only did it contain half a kidney,it was the only one not signed j…
Just watched the trailer.I’m hooked!!!