A second hospital worker in Dallas has tested positive for the Ebola virus. They did not say she was a nurse, only that she rendered some type of care…
Wow! Great find. I have never seen this verse in it’s original context before.
I missed this one, but saw the last blood moon we had, in April I think. It was beautiful! For anyone who missed seeing this one, there will be two mo…
I think it good advice to be informed and prepared for any such emergency, as well as one can be. Even if Ebola never becomes a pandemic, there will b…
Yeah, CREEPY, that describes this crime for me. It sounds more like a horror movie plot. This one has the potential to give me nightmares.
Thanks for the observation Talon, much appreciated! Not sure if there is anything to this 1122112, but I do find it intriguing. It’s a 7 digit numbe…
Thanks for the observations. In particular the 37th and 73rd symbols. He does seem to like symmetry, reversed, mirrored, or balance of some kind. Not …
A little "trip" I made about "my names is cipher" with respect to the number 33. Marcelo Fun "trip". What do you see …
I don’t know much about Freemasonry. Thanks for the web site connection. I’ll have to do a little reading on the subject.
Interesting correlation between 33 and the age of Christ at his death. Hadn’t even crossed my mind. Z definitely had the power to take life, wouldn’t …
Thanks for the reply Marcelo! Much appreciated. Checked your blog out, interesting content.
It just dawned on me……1st Z attack two victims, a COUPLE, same with the 2nd and 3rd, two more COUPLES. Another three 11s. His 4th attack would mak…