Yeah, that specific town "Deer Lodge" is mentioned, I believe in the DOJ report. Hartnell originally told that to the police, is that correc…
The thirteen inch long footprint described in the DOJ report would be huge foot. Has this ever been squared with the idea put out by LE of 10 1/2 inc…
OK, I see what you’re saying. Well, to the best of my knowledge nobody can say where Ted K was after he quit his job. One thing about David, though-…
Well, he was either an accomplice by remaining silent or an accomplice by physically aiding and abetting, or it’s possible that Ted slipped away for t…
"You would HAVE to think it’s fictitious if you think Ted was the Zodiac." Why? The story is they were traveling around the entire western U…
"…if one believes David (and there’s no reason not to)"—he could have made up the story to give Ted a half-ass alibi for the Zodiac murd…
It’s my understanding he pretty much HAD to turn in his brother because he told his wife about his suspicions, and she MADE him rat out Ted. Otherwis…
Why? Because like I said David was ostensibly traveling with Ted during the time period of the last two attacks, looking for land. If you think Ted di…
Basically my theory (and I’m entitled to it) is that it’s more than MISinformation—it’s DISinformation. TK only became a viable suspect after he wa…
Actually, I think it MAY go an inch or two toward "validating the primary argument." It’s almost like these guys have a list of "point…
Yeah, but my point is with TK they TRY to bring up a bunch of hogwash and they say "Those are the facts." A lot of Zodiac sleuthers have it …
Have they ever explained the discrepancy between the thirteen inch long footprint in the DOJ report and the size 10 1/2 wing walker shoe which is oft…
Yeah, the DOJ report says the footprint is thirteen inches long. That’s a lot bigger than a size 10 1/2 wing walker shoe. I don’t know if this is act…
Just checking on the LB section of this message board, apparently there’s a lot of controversy over whether the footprints were the Zodiac’s, how big …