Right, ALA is also not a match as far as handwriting and DNA, we assume. Otherwise they would have nailed him. And yes, he was too bulky to be the Sti…
OK, you can believe whatever you want. But check out the movie "Rush to Judgment" on youtube. Won’t cost you a dime.
The book "Rush to Judgment" by Mark Lane reveals most of the lies and distortion of the crooked Warren Commission. When you say the WC "…
Wrong, multiple witnesses heard gunshots and/or smelled the smoke from behind the grassy knoll. One witness, Ed Hoffman, did see the shooting team han…
How do we know the Z didn’t just quickly duck into one of those houses? Or even hid behind a bush? I doubt the SFPD thoroughly checked out all the hou…
I disagree vehemently. Could have been another guy walking by with similar clothes on. Unlikely, but it’s possible. The only way you would know with &…
End of The World….. The problem with saying maybe it wasn’t Z that Fouke saw, is that the clothes the guy Fouke saw matched the kids description of…
The slim possibility exists that the man Fouke saw was an innocent citizen just walking around for whatever reason. It wasn’t that late at night. Late…
Lee Oswald didn’t kill anybody. Shouldn’t ALA’s massive bulk alone eliminate him?
Quote: "No mention anywhere of the police cruiser utilizing a spotlight to search the area. I think the composite is of someone else. I think the…
i believe the stamps were all from the same book too. if we had better copies of the envelopes we might be able to piece them together. if this is a c…
It’s been more than three months. There is no viable excuse for a delay like this. CA is so bankrupt that the justice system is suffering terribly, IM…
I’m surprised they didn’t throw Ted Cruz in there! and BTK as well!
So I don’t have to wade through all that, can you cut to the chase? Whodunnit?
The thing that seems pretty fishy about Ted K is although he was considered a suspect at one time, he was never officially cleared. I’m no handwriting…