Zodiac Discussion Forum

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Joined: July 16, 2015 2:14 pm
Topics: 6 / Replies: 230
Re: The sighting on Jackson Street

Yes, Dag, I myself brought up that possibility a few posts back. For some reason the officers on the case (Fouke and Armand) were less than honest an…

9 years ago
Re: Bryan Hartnell’s LB recollection statement

I don’t see how you can say with any degree of certainty that he wasn’t messed up in 1969. He WAS messed up physically–he had bullet holes in various…

9 years ago
Re: Bryan Hartnell’s LB recollection statement

"unless we simply dismiss Michael’s statement"—-yes, do that. He’s just too "all over the place"—on the car and everything els…

9 years ago
Re: Bryan Hartnell’s LB recollection statement

Might have had an extra pair of pants and shirt on to remove after they got blood splattered.

9 years ago
Re: Richard Helms- perfect reasoning

Seriously, did Darlene have big breasts? There really was a girl with the polka dress present at the RFK assassination and her breasts were the one i…

9 years ago
Re: Richard Helms- perfect reasoning

Was Darlene indeed blessed with inordinately large mammary glands? That was one characteristic all of the (male) witnesses who saw the girl in the po…

9 years ago
Re: Richard Helms- perfect reasoning

Did they present any evidence regarding Darlene’s part in the RFK assassination?

9 years ago
Re: Richard Helms- perfect reasoning

Yes, Coffee Time, you are correct that CNN stated they requested TK’s DNA, but according to AK Wilks on the thread " Kaczinski’s DNA", TK re…

9 years ago
Re: Richard Helms- perfect reasoning

Yes, Mr. AK Wilks knows all about that DNA request in detail but I believe they never got the DNA sample from Mr. Kaczinski. His home in Chicago was …

9 years ago
Re: Richard Helms- perfect reasoning

I have never comprehended why so many people believe (a) that the Zodiac was the killer of CJB, and (b) that the killer of CJB carved the poem. Howeve…

9 years ago
Re: Richard Helms- perfect reasoning

You’re saying you think Richard Helms wrote the poem?

9 years ago
Re: suspicious police officers at or around lake Herman road

Was Hofffman himself ever checked out for being the Z? Is his height Z-compatibile?

9 years ago
Re: The sighting on Jackson Street

Fouke should have stopped the guy and talked to him at least, even if he thought he was hunting for a black male, which is also in dispute. It’s poss…

9 years ago
Re: suspicious police officers at or around lake Herman road

I’m sure he’s already been cleared, and I don’t want to bring his name into disrepute, but who was the cop that was on a plainclothes assignment, and …

9 years ago
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