Although I have mentioned it in this thread before, I think it is important to note that the "desktop poem" was actually written on the bott…
I tend to think that with the Ramsey case there was a massive cover-up; Patsy wrote the note, of that I’m sure. But whether she, her husband, Burke, o…
Sorry again for the vivid imagery here but I think it’s significant to consider regarding the dolls left on the Ramsey property. I referred to the wa…
That’s a good question, Tahoe, and I really don’t know the case that well. It looks like most of these were in Colorado but the family apparently did…
Yeah, the good efforts I’ve seen actually look far more "lifelike" than the original composite sketches but are they more accurate? I think…
Right, dreamnine. Just adding a bit more detail that came to mind from my post in the BTK as Zodiaphile thread. I’m not sold on Rader being the perp…
Looks like I have some work to do this morning…
While that’s a great depiction, I think it’s risky to try and "improve" on the composite sketches created by the actual eyewitnesses. There…
Indeed, morf. Sorry for the disgusting imagery but I think the absolute depravity of strangling a child is significantly rare in both of these cases….
I was looking for my own post about this case and came across another person on websleuths who was pretty much ridiculed for suggesting Dennis Rader (…
That’s fair, captain. I just think we should all be careful about distinguishing facts from theories or speculation, even when it’s reasonable specul…
I won’t say anything about that editing of posts and User Names to make people look foolish but that might have something to do with why so many of th…
So perhaps the description of this as a Hippie protest button is what is inaccurate and it is simply representing a protest by folks from the same age…
Thanks for the information, folks. I’m still mystified about what countercultural message the "Melville Eats Blubber" button is designed to…
You wouldn’t need to know anything about the symbols if the card blocked out all of the non-letter symbols, Tahoe. What I’m imagining is the holes in…