Last seen: September 1, 2021 6:21 pm
right , I mean I guess what lead me to this wasn’t really the idea of period 2, but more a period 2 where the 2nd half is written right to left – I ru…
In every accepted Z attack he puts distance between himself and the victims and avoids a physical struggle. First two attacks victims shot from a dis…
Is there a photo of the inside-left half of the card?
What is Stine’s sister’s evidence of Z riding in front?
The idea that Z knew Stine just doesn’t ring true to me. It just defies logic. If Z knew Stine well enough to sit in the front, (which I don’t belie…
what is the evidence that zodiac sat next to stine?
Can someone say this in plain english? What is being suggested by the initial post / newspaper clipping? What exactly are you trying to say is suspi…
can you elaborate?
yes, Rippercast did a couple of great episodes on this. It’s totally bogus.
Fisherman’sFriend, forum search is also your friend.
Maybe this is a dumb question with a clear answer but: What is the primary source for the now accepted fact that Z was picked up at Mason and Geary? …
I would def find out who did the art or art direction for the yearbook. Z was very into this cut-and-paste / collage style of visual communication. …
If Zodiac stumbled across an article on Steganography we could be screwed… I’ve always thought the idea of a crossword made since. He fills it in …