Last seen: September 1, 2021 6:21 pm
I can barely use my phone, let alone a computer, but one thing I have yet to see in a solver is a second readout of a key, side by side with the encip…
masootz, I’m well aware of transposition. My question includes that possibility – since many people want to "read" what they get after untra…
thanks smokie – this is exactly the kind of thing i was interested to read. Basically, while I feel the 340 is clearly a really difficult cipher – e…
Hey everyone, if you listen to the press conference posted on the recent episode of criminology, a number of officials state that DNA first led to fam…
If I’m understanding this right, DNA led to family, which led to narrowing down a suspect on family tree, which led to surveillance which led to suspe…
Hi Tom, I have tried heading over to that site but am not seeing anything. Can you provide direction, or post the info here? Thanks, FF
My girlfriend has the best theory on this case… what if… A friend of Burke’s or slightly older boy in the area heard Burke brag, "my dad got…
in This is the Zodiac Speaking, Hartnell mentions Z having an unusual walk on first approach- lumbering over to them or something – can’t remember th…
in This is the Zodiac Speaking, Hartnell mentions Z having an unusual walk on first approach- lumbering over to them or something – can’t remember th…
Yes, I think in general the letters grow in size over the course of writing, and tend to drift into the upper left of each square. My guess is that …
cool – I had to assume someone already saw these – thanks, will check out the link!
One more pic – added the triangle repeat to lower left in yellow and added some curious (more speculative)/similar symbol repeats highlighted in red…