Zodiac Discussion Forum

Eminent Member
Joined: April 1, 2021 11:08 pm
Topics: 1 / Replies: 34
Re: Interview: Catatonic Schizophrenic (1961)

Checks this one out……Interview with a Paranoid Schizophrenic. This guy is also my new suspect….amazing how those horn rimmed glasses make anybo…

3 years ago
Re: Interview: Catatonic Schizophrenic (1961)

Zodiac was too functional to be schizophrenic. More likely he was a sadistic sociopath. His ‘paradice/slaves’ rant was just spooky gobbledygook. He…

3 years ago
Re: Hanging round the crime scene….

He was walking away from the crime scene, when Fouke noticed him. It was also stated he was going to the park. So he knew the park was his way out. …

3 years ago
Re: Hanging round the crime scene….

I don’t think Fouke ever commented on Zodiac’s nose. Just the hairline and the chin Not if you go by his original description. Nothing about a hairli…

3 years ago
Re: Interview: Catatonic Schizophrenic (1961)

Here is A Quote from another threated regarding Z and his possible link to schizotypal . clearly when someone with schizotypal personality disorder be…

3 years ago
Re: Interview: Catatonic Schizophrenic (1961)

Well said Meim and welcome to the group. I think what everyone is alluding to here is a Jekyll and Hyde character which I feel is fitting. I like …

3 years ago
Re: Interview: Catatonic Schizophrenic (1961)

replaceable head wrote,, Don’t think it,s right to use words like, crazy. This post is going to help draw a better picture of the type of a …

3 years ago
Re: Interview: Catatonic Schizophrenic (1961)

Anything is possible within reason. I wouldn’t rule anything totally out. When looking over the letters and handwriting from the zodiac, We see …

3 years ago
Re: Hanging round the crime scene….

All that matters is what Fouke meant by his description of Zodiac’s walk. Unfortunately, nobody ever got Fouke to demonstrate the walk, which might ha…

3 years ago
Re: Where did Zodiac Sit?

A signal to police like a head light signal. May not have helped in this case. in the previous letter the zodiac wrote he would take a …Driver or m…

3 years ago
Re: Hanging round the crime scene….

Tom Voigt wrote…his original description. This report was taken serious at the time by police. Was this suspect being searched f…

3 years ago
Re: Hanging round the crime scene….

Batman Wrote ”REMINDED HIM OF A WELSH PERSON” THIS iMAGE of a Welsh Gentleman is good when compared to the Poster Sketch. The Zodiac was a much …

3 years ago
Re: Where did Zodiac Sit?

Yes, there’s a lot of assuming that Stine didn’t know what hit him, we don’t really know what happened. He did not want to leave another surviving …

3 years ago
Re: Hanging round the crime scene….

andr-0 wrote ( darker thicker hair perhaps ) It sounds like the guy was a well dressed adult man with darker thicker hair. When this darker ha…

3 years ago
Re: My proposed solution for Z13

Galoomba wrote , thoughts Well it does look like there is a word in fisrt 3 letters and the last 3 letters With symbols in the center …

3 years ago
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