Sorry, perhaps I should have used the term letter frequency? Basically its a table of how often letters appear in a given language. Most are done n…
Did Laffin’s book contain any listing of letter usage? Been meaning to take a look at it since copy 1 is no longer at the Riverside library, though th…
Sure it’s no multiplicity substitution cipher. Just a simple one.. You have to learn from somewhere , the starting point, as a young dude you have TV…
I read Laffin’s "Codes and Ciphers: Secret Writings through the Ages" book with the zodiac ciphers in mind. There was nothing in there that …
Being the non-computer savvy person I am, I want to make sure I understand this. So you can choose any transcriptional route (ie diagonal, zig-zag, ho…
What does male targeted typing mean in layman’s terms? I new processed used in California is called familial DNA searching. It was used in a famous N…
This is my first post, so I may need to be brought up to speed. I am a criminalist (forensic DNA analyst of 14 years) for a Northern California crime-…