Last seen: April 14, 2023 11:10 pm
I’d absolutely destroy that evidence if it were introduced against MY clients. quack quack quack Tom, please. You know who I really am. You obvious…
Is there an attorney on here? Does letting a non-police related person have access to evidence potentially damage that evidence being used to solve a…
Xcaliber, I hope you feel the love when I post, because I’m not trying to make anybody angry. I’ve just seen the process as it’s conducted, and I’ve l…
Xcaliber, the thing you need is merely a piece of evidence. The "sample" is created from the piece of evidence by swabbing it with a moist q…
I have physically stood in a lab when they were conducting forensic DNA analysis. It is a process that can be started and finished in one day, assumin…
Not to be so technical about it, but Watson and Crick published their paper on the double-helix in 1953 and were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1962 for t…
Marshall, you have an interesting observation there. Yours is one of the few times that I’ve heard such. I’ve long had a private little theory that po…
I completely sympathize with what you say, Chaucer. If they solve it, it’s gonna be hell for a lot of folks. It will probably be worst on Mageau and H…
If law enforcement solves this case, for the reasons I listed above, they WILL announce it publicly. If they announce it publicly that it’s been solve…
I’m a lawyer. I defend homicide cases. That doesn’t make me an authority, but it has provided me some experience to draw upon. I do not believe there…
Mike R., to use Machivelli’s style . . . Either Tom was lying or he was not lying when he reported that he was told about new DNA developments by la…
I believe that the Zodiac, if alive, is ready for everybody to know who he is. Tom, I’m here to tell you that there’s no reason for you to beat yours…
After reading this thread it seems like they have DNA but they are just beginning the work of finding the identity of the person who has that genetic …
After reading this thread it seems like they have DNA but they are just beginning the work of finding the identity of the person who has that genetic …