Last seen: April 14, 2023 11:10 pm
I can’t figure out how to resize an image to upload it here. However, the Oakland Tribune has that exact same format, including punctuation and abbrev…
Somebody has probably already noticed and researched this before, but the cut-out date should be somewhat easy to find. I know that in the newspaper …
I don’t want this thread to spill into a discussion of PsOI. It should remain (in my opinion) a discussion of observations derived from the map and as…
I would imagine that Z would not call attention to himself by operating where he lived. My guess would be that he lived and worked in Oakland, Richmon…
I wonder how they got Zodiac to come to the police station to put his prints on a fingerprint card?
The 9 in 1970 looks exactly like the 9 in 89 on the perimeter. Look especially at the point where the looped line joins together. There is a darker s…
I just emailed a postmark club. Their website suggests their museum has the information we’re looking for. There appear to be dozens of such clubs de…
I may very well be wrong, but I see those marks as 89 and NOT 6B. The reason I say that is the orientation of the mark. The bottom of the letters/dig…
I know I could do this myself, but is there any way you can incorporate the day, date, and a.m. or p.m. into your list of letters? I know these are n…
So far, based on rather incomplete info, it appears as if the letters were mailed in the northeastern section of San Francisco with two hotspots being…
I think Patsy wrote the note but a non-family member intruder killed JBR. Let me explain. Somebody snuck into the house and took JBR to the basement …
Sandy, from what I understand, they only have mitochondrial DNA in Bates. That cannot be submitted to GEDMatch. Sorry but I have to disagree with yo…
Sandy, from what I understand, they only have mitochondrial DNA in Bates. That cannot be submitted to GEDMatch.
It would not surprise me to find out that the new round of testing has raised a discreet DNA profile from the stamps and led to the identification of …
Re the Bates case: One would think, after half a century, that Riverside PD would welcome intelligent contributions from this, and other, boards. Such…