Last seen: February 21, 2023 3:28 pm
FreeBASIC:/p> It’s almost fully Qbasic compatible with additional features. Internally it translates the BASIC to C code which is then optimized…
AZdecrypt 1.22 release:/p> New features:- Ciphers up to 4000 characters long, up from 2000- Non-substitution Nulls and skips solver- Automatic w…
Hey Marclean, It’s included with the latest AZdecrypt under Ciphers/Zodiac ciphers: IHOPEYOUAREHAVING LOTSOFFANINTRYING TOCATCHMETHATWAS…
Thanks Marclean, Nice to see you around. Though there seems to be not much action here after the forum revamp? I was thinking of doing something a…
In the previous post I explained that it would be a big hurdle to figure out the distribution of the periods itself. But possibly, also on top of that…
I’m slowly working on creating a solver that can crack the Z340 automatically. That would be rather easy to do if one targets the Z340’s transpositi…
AZdecrypt 1.21 released:/p>
Thanks. For now the details of the decryption have remained exclusive to the EOS magazine of February pages 74 to 77. Klaus will make a post somewhe…
Hey Marclean, I am retiring sorry. Thanks for all your support and kind words through the years!
Re: Homophonic substitution Postby Mr lowe ยป Mon Jan 11, 2016 3:17 pm Ok smokie thanks.. Purposely making a scytale harder you could, when writing ou…
Is it really that easy? I believe you are using a 1-dimensional period while in the Z340 it is a 2-dimensional period.
Here are the substitutions. The + symbol was just the letter H! I thought that was funny too. All our ideas about how crazy that symbol must have b…
EDIT: Did he do this on purpose to make another pivot? If so, he must have stared at this for a long time, had an original encryption, and then subtly…
Thanks everyone for the positive sentiment. Quicktrader true to form. <3 daikon, very nice to hear from you one more time! You are a legend.