Zodiac Discussion Forum

Active Member
Joined: December 17, 2020 12:47 am
Topics: 1 / Replies: 4
Re: Donald Fouke

Donald Fouke looked at photos of Arthur Leigh Allen, Lawrence Kane, and Kjell Qvale. He said ALA was not the man he saw. He said Qvale was a maybe. …

4 years ago
Re: How reliable is the hard evidence?

Not very I think when you consider someone like ALA was still very much suspected of being the best suspect despite them failing to match the handwrit…

4 years ago
Re: How reliable is the hard evidence?

I don’t understand this question. Each piece of evidence must be examined and judged on it’s own merit and also in the larger context. It’s a case by …

4 years ago
Re: Zodiac After Stine Shooting

>>TOO MANY whacko’s ALL in one place every time is the oddest thing to me..<< I think only Lawrence Kane lived in San Francisco at the ti…

4 years ago