That’s interesting. Let me check my shoes. EDIT: Yes, seems to be the case. I have a pair of 10 Sketchers that barely fit. When measured with a tape,…
It’s definitely over 11 that’s for sure. They must have eliminated Hartnell’s prints, so showing his would be meaningless. It would be, and I’d like …
With LB it’s different. Bryan doesn’t state that he definitely did not have glasses, only that he doesn’t think so. The compelling bit with his statem…
Hartnell was under heavy sedation after an extremely traumatic event, the transcripts suggest even he wasn’t sure, The transcripts says he was &quo…
It’s difficult to say where that shoe impression begins and where it ends. For all anyone knows, this is Hartnell’s shoe impression…
A-ha! Here it is. I knew I wasn’t hallucinating. [attachment=0][Robert_Graysmith]_Zodiac(BookZZ.jpg[/attachment]
My understanding is the police used fellow colleagues to see who could make a similar impression and then recorded his weight. I doubt they lied abo…
Thanks for those. Kinda figured I’d have to buy it. Was hoping one of the Ted K. fans had a copy. Thirty-eight bucks isn’t that bad. Just wanted to se…
Well that certainly changes things. Do you have a link to any documentation regarding those claims?
like a gun fired from the back of a truck or something. So Lundblad thought two guys killed Jensen and Faraday, and one was riding in the back of th…
Yeah, I don’t buy that at all, unless this ’74 letter is something we haven’t seen. There’s no way you’ll EVER convince me the same boob wrote both th…
I’m not sure I follow you, Norse, but if you’re saying that the DNA under the 1978 letter was determined to be female, then perhaps it’s from Graysmit…
Does that make sense? If it was a double-shooter hit, you’d expect both shooters to be heavily involved. If there were two shooters, Jensen would not…
The hole is a bit different – it does look too big for a ’22. But the angle apparently plays a crucial part here. Someone presented a pretty a good ex…