Zodiac Discussion Forum

Eminent Member
Joined: November 23, 2018 8:15 pm
Last seen: September 22, 2021 1:27 pm
Topics: 0 / Replies: 24
Re: Z’s most distinctive trait IMO

The disorganised layout of the letters and writing styles altering from script to print and back and forth suggest to me some mental disorder at least…

6 years ago
Re: Z’s most distinctive trait IMO

In east london we have a lot of salt beef. Always associated historically with jewish working class here. Suspect same in new york at same time period…

6 years ago
Re: Hello from England

East londoner here… Howd you do.

6 years ago
Re: Apology to British people

Ive been designing a suitably z looking getup to come after thee for revenge at thou quip! Z wasnt british. The letters are very american sounding t…

6 years ago
Re: Albany NY Medical Center letter/cipher August 1973

Albany NY Medical Center letter 1973 august letter – ‘ ALBANY is A nice town. ‘ Ross Sullivan year book signing user: Ham Friend posted – ‘ ed – …

6 years ago
Re: psychological profiles

Always thought miron’s profile on zodiac was a very good one. Well worth understanding as thoroughly as possible, as you say.

6 years ago
Re: Draft Board Letter

Would be very interested to know if any more came of digging into these letters. They’re fascinating.

6 years ago
Re: Possibly MAJOR Ross Sullivan writing find in yearbook

Looking at all this and the delays from ham etc and DNA getting pushed properly finally i would hesitate a guess that within the year now there will i…

6 years ago
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