Last seen: September 3, 2021 6:37 pm
And AC/DC, what more can you say about them? Just a flat out rock band through and through, they might be the only hard rock band without a single bal…
the fact that nitwits like Horan can still get airtime, press whatever, just goes to show how much of a fu@#en circus the zodiac case has become..just…
im about 50 miles from the epicenter and it shook me awake and lasted quite a long time..not as violent as the 89 quake but still a good sized shaker….
At 6′ 2" and 300 lbs he’s either a giant blob of fat or a damn guerrilla..wonder if a booking photo is still available..
WC, generally I find you using way too many words saying way to little. And no, I donĀ“t, in any way, recoginze myself as a person of "dark and ye…
Article from Howard, aka Bruce3.
What you have here is some crackpot who clearly watches to much TV..I mean come on,the hell with McQueen,when you threaten Charlies Angels ,The Six Mi…
Lmao..stoner metal..okay I’ll add to it..Use to listen to alot of Black Sabbath in my early teens..My friends parents had an nice stereo system with p…
Who went missing from that very place where she worked as a nurse again? Oh yes, that’s right, Donna Lass. Who was it that claimed credit for seeking …
Forgot to mention in the above post that if he’d gone to a public place that would be open at that time of night such as a bar or restaurant, he could…
Thank you doranchak! So the watch was 7" in circumference. My wrist is 6 1/2" and I’m average boned and 5′ 2". That circumference do…
anyone take a stab at what the ATKID. written on the envelope stands for?
There really isnt much discussion about the Arguello gate to Presidio Golf Course..not a bad place to hide an still(sorta) see an hear(definitely) the…
Elvis Presley’s Christmas album an Vince Guaraldi Trio’s Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack album are in heavy rotation this time of the year.