Zodiac Discussion Forum

Honorable Member
Joined: June 14, 2016 1:38 pm
Last seen: April 8, 2022 2:51 pm
Topics: 33 / Replies: 421
Re: What is Zodiac’s 340-character cipher?

1) Do you keep a list as you apply the homophonic substitution? 2) Do you make a second pass and alter bigrams repeats that visually stand out? Some…

6 years ago
Re: What is Zodiac’s 340-character cipher?

Thank you very much for this excellent presentation! The selected topics were great and well arranged. The audience was obviously very courious and as…

6 years ago
Re: Mirror immunity

Thank you. I was just a bit confused, because the output window of AZDecrypt for example says "Mirror (103*4)". I thought they were indexes …

6 years ago
Re: Mirror immunity

Sorry if I’m annoying right now, but I don’t quite understand it. With a 17×20 cipher, the last two columns also form a rectangle (start_x: 16, width:…

6 years ago
Re: Mirror immunity

The transposition solver does not support that operation. I am planning an update to the solver sometime and then a superficial search for swapped col…

6 years ago
Re: Mirror immunity

Referring to the first post, I am not sure exactly what to think. You mirrored all possible contiguous ( next to each other ) groups of columns, and f…

6 years ago
Re: Mirror immunity

Okay, it gets abstruse. Have a look at the following cipher. It’s from the book "Moby Dick" and can be solved by AZDecrypt without any probl…

6 years ago
6 years ago
Replies: 9
Views: 2836
Re: Strange Z340 stats in AZD

so words like: (nameless & salesman) (stakes & steaks) will have the same multiplicity scores? Yes, nameless & salesman have the same…

6 years ago
Re: A Solver for Mac Users

And I have other competing interests Yes, me too. Besides, I always have to do something somehow. I rarely manage to just sit on the couch and watc…

6 years ago
Re: A Solver for Mac Users

Smokie: The idea is cool. Combining Row bound with genetic algorithms could actually help with misalignments and multiple inscription rectangles. I’d …

6 years ago
Re: A Solver for Mac Users

I am curious how large the route search space would be if we imposed constraints on the "twistiness" of the routes. That sounds good! The …

6 years ago
Re: A Solver for Mac Users

As it turns out, there is a paper about a genetic algorithm for finding Hamiltonian paths: It is surprising: One thinks there is a very special prob…

6 years ago
Re: A Solver for Mac Users

Could the program find the borders of the four inscription rectangles? I like the idea, I’ll give it a try. But I still have a few questions: Here …

6 years ago
Re: A Solver for Mac Users

There’s probably an algorithm description somewhere already but I couldn’t find it. However, I went ahead and wrote one in Java just to see if I could…

6 years ago
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