Last seen: April 8, 2022 2:51 pm
Interesting idea and it could be done very simply with pencil and paper by someone not necessarily interested in making the cryptogram more difficult …
This is really an interesting transposition and exactly what I meant by "interlocked ciphers" a few postings before: For the moment I will…
But…multiple alphabets / shifted alphabet + P15/P19? I don’t think both can be at the same time.
Check out the first post here. Maybe he just did some creative pattern with his homophone groups. He may not have been trying to hide anything. … …
The longer I look at the cycles, the more doubts arise in me whether they are really relevant. I’m one of those people who don’t just rely on numbers…
Largo: See the 5th post down for another interpretation of the unique symbol strings, and the discussion carries over to the next page. viewtopic.php?…
I got it now. Is it a good game? It has to be running on the SCUMM engine. Yes, the game is definitely a milestone in the history of video games (and…
Did you use the same diagonal direction for each rectangle? If not, that may explain why my transposition solver cannot get it. Yes. Both rects are …
Oh, blimey… I forgot we already had something like this: Multiple inscription rectangles are usually stacked either horizontally or vertically, 1-…
Largo: See the 5th post down for another interpretation of the unique symbol strings, and the discussion carries over to the next page. viewtopic.php…
Hey Jarlve, just two diagonal transpositions next to each other (underlying plaintext is continuous). The description rectangle was 20×17, the left a…
Since I am still convinced that even very simple transposition steps can lead to a cipher that is extremely difficult to solve, here is a small test o…
Just for my general understanding: We use the following pseudo-source code to generate these statistics: for i = 0 to 339 length = getLongestUniqu…
Awesome, I’m always happy when there are new presentations from you. I hope that there will be a video this time too. I have the same view of the wei…
Oh I see. Well, in general the operation does not improve things on my end. That’s not the goal either. A demonstration, nothing more. But I have som…