Zodiac Discussion Forum

Honorable Member
Joined: June 14, 2016 1:38 pm
Last seen: April 8, 2022 2:51 pm
Topics: 33 / Replies: 421
Re: Some thoughts on Z340 (dual-alphabet?)

Interesting idea and it could be done very simply with pencil and paper by someone not necessarily interested in making the cryptogram more difficult …

7 years ago
Re: Some thoughts on Z340 (dual-alphabet?)

This is really an interesting transposition and exactly what I meant by "interlocked ciphers" a few postings before: For the moment I will…

7 years ago
Re: Some thoughts on Z340 (dual-alphabet?)

But…multiple alphabets / shifted alphabet + P15/P19? I don’t think both can be at the same time.

7 years ago
Re: Some thoughts on Z340 (dual-alphabet?)

Check out the first post here. Maybe he just did some creative pattern with his homophone groups. He may not have been trying to hide anything. … …

7 years ago
Re: Some thoughts on Z340 (dual-alphabet?)

The longer I look at the cycles, the more doubts arise in me whether they are really relevant. I’m one of those people who don’t just rely on numbers…

7 years ago
Re: Some thoughts on Z340 (dual-alphabet?)

Largo: See the 5th post down for another interpretation of the unique symbol strings, and the discussion carries over to the next page. viewtopic.php?…

7 years ago
Re: Route Transposition and Phenomenon

I got it now. Is it a good game? It has to be running on the SCUMM engine. Yes, the game is definitely a milestone in the history of video games (and…

7 years ago
Re: Route Transposition and Phenomenon

Did you use the same diagonal direction for each rectangle? If not, that may explain why my transposition solver cannot get it. Yes. Both rects are …

7 years ago
Re: Route Transposition and Phenomenon

Oh, blimey… I forgot we already had something like this: Multiple inscription rectangles are usually stacked either horizontally or vertically, 1-…

7 years ago
Re: Some thoughts on Z340 (dual-alphabet?)

Largo: See the 5th post down for another interpretation of the unique symbol strings, and the discussion carries over to the next page. viewtopic.php…

7 years ago
Re: Route Transposition and Phenomenon

Hey Jarlve, just two diagonal transpositions next to each other (underlying plaintext is continuous). The description rectangle was 20×17, the left a…

7 years ago
Re: Route Transposition and Phenomenon

Since I am still convinced that even very simple transposition steps can lead to a cipher that is extremely difficult to solve, here is a small test o…

7 years ago
Re: Some thoughts on Z340 (dual-alphabet?)

Just for my general understanding: We use the following pseudo-source code to generate these statistics: for i = 0 to 339 length = getLongestUniqu…

7 years ago
Re: American Cryptogram Association convention

Awesome, I’m always happy when there are new presentations from you. I hope that there will be a video this time too. I have the same view of the wei…

7 years ago
Re: Some thoughts on Z340 (dual-alphabet?)

Oh I see. Well, in general the operation does not improve things on my end. That’s not the goal either. A demonstration, nothing more. But I have som…

7 years ago
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